Saint Herman Calendar 2020: The Orthodox Church in Norway

Next years Calendar (2020) from Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina California features the history and current situation of the Orthodox Church in Norway, Norwegian saints and selected parishes. People from all over Norway as well as our parish has contributed to the Calendar.

The calender of 2020 can be purchased directly from the monastery through this link.

Saint Herman Calendar is well known in the English speaking Orthodox world and is found in many Orthodox Churches and homes especially in the US. The Calender is published by Saint Herman’s Monastery in Platina California, which was founded with the blessing of Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco by the fathers Seraphim (Rose) and Herman (Podmoshensky). It is dedicated to saint Herman of Alaska, one of the most beloved Orthodox Saints in America. Fr. Seraphim Rose was of Norwegian descendance (his mother was Norwegian) and prolific writer. His writings are read by many Orthodox, not only in the US, but also in Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece. The monastery also has a publiching branch, St Herman’s Press, which publishes literature in English.

Pilgrimage to Norway in 2021

Join the pilgrimage to Norway in 2021 and visit many of the holy sites, churches and parishes mentioned in the calendar. For more information follow this link.

Next years calendar (2020) from saint Herman of Alaska Monastery in California with the front page of the icon of Saint Olav which is to be found in the Church of Saint Olga in Oslo.

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